Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Letter to My Parents

For the past 18 years, you have done everything for me. From teaching me all of the life skills I could ever need to helping me with an infinite number of school projects, I don't know what I would do without you guys. You make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, take care of everything I could need help with, give me everything i could ever need, and go out of your way to make me happy. You have taken me on wonderful vacations and gotten up every other morning at the crack of dawn to take me to swim and water polo practice for the past 4 years. I still can't believe that you spent 5 hours a day almost every weekend for 8 years watching me swim a total of 5 minutes at swim meets. It is crazy to think about how much time you have spent with me throughout my life. You have always been there for me, and I can't thank you guys enough for everything you have done. Next year I'll be moving out and starting a new part of my life. That will definitely be the time where I come to really understand the support system you have created. I will have to do my own laundry (something I really need to learn how to do), get myself to class, and really figure everything out on my own. Thankfully, you guys have taught me everything I need to know to succeed in the world.

Thank you!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Frankl-y Speaking

In Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl takes a different approach towards the meaning of life that I really appreciate. He emphasizes the fact that meaning, found through our interactions with the world, differs from man to man, day to day, and hour to hour. Meaning is not something that you have to escape society or practice to find. It can be found in our daily lives as we cook dinner or walk our dogs. I think this is important, it shows that meaning is attainable for everyone and it does not have to be life changing or permanent; it can be anything that makes us happy. Meaning is unique and does not have to be defined by society or our lifestyle. I think this is crucial as today we are unfortunately pressured more and more to conform to society. Meaning is something that will always be specific to each individual and no one can define it for you. 
This makes me think about my life today. I take hard classes, join activities that I may not truly have a passion for, and push myself to the mental break so that I can have a chance at getting into one of the best colleges. Not only because I love to challenge myself, but also because this is what I have been told will make me happy. By going to the best school, I can go to the best medical school, and then get the best job. It is something that is told to me from all sources: parents, social media, professionals, and even friends. College is something we obsess over for almost half of our high school career. Seldom do I stop to think about it. Why should going to the best college I possibly can define my happiness? Shouldn't obtaining the job I want by any path make me happy? This is something that I have really been asking myself as college comes closer.     
I also like the fact that Frankl believes that some amount of conflict and unhappiness is healthy and normal. These two things help us grow, redefine who we are, and find a new meaning to explore. They tell us that it is time to change; out with the old, in with the new. It is a feeling that we should welcome rather than push away. The great thing about life is that it will never be perfect, there will always be new challenges that add to who we are and who we will become.